The concern of increasing fees

 School is an institution where a student learns and opens the horizon of mind to varied opportunities and knowledge. The schools are widely divided in two types: private school and public school. Private schools have now become a perspective rather than an institution that lends education to the minds of young. The private schools fit into the category of schools that receive funding from the fees- which is concerningly taking a leap, that parents pay, henceforth it is likely that the facilities provided to the students by the private schools will be better than that of the government schools. 

The public schools are the type of schools which receive their funding from the federal, state or local government. As observed over the years, the condition of the government schools is not likely suited and well provided for to be termed as an institution that provides premium education and shapes the mind of the young. The disparity in the facilities provided to the students due to the funding that both the type of schools receive is prominently evident. 

A debate of schools lynching on only money and not focusing on the right kind of education, debate and learnings in the school premises is being raised lately for the fees of private schools is rising. Though there is a fee structure being maintained in the times of pandemic, it is being questioned that the children are not coming to the school premises, none of the facilities, apart from the basic – online teaching, are being provided to them then why does the fee structure include all different kinds of payment even when a child is not attending the school but only taking online classes. 

Delhi Public school, Rajnagar Extension, Ghaziabad has revised its fee structure making it more affordable to the students of the school and making it more accessible to the new admissions of the school. DPS Rajnagar fee structure is modern and is designed with intellect as well as it is a module that fits perfectly for today’s time. 

The fee and the funding that both the type of schools receive in are the two factors that are creating disparity between the kind of education that is received in private and public schools which is a major concern for uniformity shall be maintained in terms of education for it is the most basic right for a human to receive education and the right kind. 


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